For active men and women

Grow in Your Own Way

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How We've Helped Clients Lead Healthier Lives

Jared Nylander

"When I started with Hayden, I had been experiencing chronic hip pain that had prevented me from running consistently throughout the year. After a couple of months of consistent training, my pain has disappeared, and I'm able to live a more enjoyable, pain-free life."

Betelhem Hailu

“Hayden is knowledgeable about various workout techniques and fitness strategies, and he also takes the time to understand each individual’s goals, limitations, and preferences. I highly recommend Hayden to anyone looking to achieve their fitness goals and embark on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle."

Chet Chung

"I've had problems with my groin for over a decade ever since I got injured playing football back in high school. It got to the point where I could no longer do barbell back squats because of the pain. One tweak was all it took to make the pain go away. During our first session, Hayden made a couple small adjustments, and since then I haven't felt an ounce of pain on my leg days."

Why Common Sense Workouts?

We help you achieve your fitness goals with training programs designed to fit YOUR everyday needs. Because living an active and healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated.

Common Sense Training Programs

Each program uses simple techniques to help you build strength.

4-Week Hypertrophy Program

For experienced lifters who want to strengthen their foundation and fix imbalances.

3x per Week Workshop

For intermediate lifters looking to improve their form and technique.

1-on-1 Virtual Training

For beginner lifters looking for personalized training programs and 1-on-1 coaching.